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What to expect after hair transplant surgery

Well, a lot of hopes and speculations are built around hair transplant. Though the transplantation procedure is pretty quick, the results come in steps. One needs to understand the process and be patient. After the surgery, your scalp may be very tender. You may need to take medications for a few days. ... Within two to three weeks after hair transplant surgery , the transplanted hair will fall out, but new growth should be noticeable within a few months. Most people will see 60% of new hair growth after six to nine months. Most frequently asked questions are    How much and what post-operative care is needed? One should avoid hard work and exercise for one week after the procedure. Avoid weight lifting, carrying heavy weights for at least two weeks. Avoid saunas, steam, and sunbaths for at least three weeks. To avoid swelling, the patient should sleep with his head elevated in 45 degrees and for three nights after the hair transplant procedure. Staying away from alcoholic dr

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